From the new Ajax Superior range, the device features a wireless motion detector that notifies the owner of the first signs of intrusion in the home or office. The detector is attached to the wall in front of doors and other places prone to intruders entering.
Wireless motion detector with microwave sensor that notifies the owner of first signs of home or office intrusion. Designed for rooms with air conditioners, fireplaces and where there is a likelihood of light flickering, glare and reflections.
Un mando para controlar los modos de seguridad. Cuenta con un botón de pánico para enviar alarmas a su círculo interno y una compañía de seguridad en caso de problemas.
DualCurtain Outdoor controls your property perimeter without creating obstacles for people who are already inside. Two independent optical systems with narrow viewing sectors and flexible settings allow you to accurately adjust 30 meters of the detection zone, excluding possible sources of false alarms. The ELSA (Extended Live Signal Analysis) unique software reacts to intruders, screening out triggers like natural interferences and pets.